Monday, July 20, 2009

I've moved!

Hey just lettin everyone know that changed my blog address. Come see me at


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Whad up??

Pretty much thats my gangsta talk. Im real professional at it bein Im half hispanic. I dont really have anything to talk about or 'post' about but Katie told me to update my blog so here I am. Bible, I dont even know why I have a blog. (ie. Bible for those of you who dont know is like honest, or like Im swearing on the bible so its the truth. I've decided to add that into my vocab courtesy of Kortney and Klohe Kardashinan, not spelled right) But really I dont. All of 3 maybe 4 people read this thing. Those being 1-Katie, 2-Katchie(who doesnt have a computer working right now, so she's not even reading it) 3-Christy and 4- possibly Jessica when she's bored and just got done checking her lame myspace. (ps. Jess... Myspace is so 2007, get over it. Heck at least change to Facebook for cryin out loud!! :) You know I love you madly)
So thats it.... All of possibly 4 people. I want a blog that millions of the people Im complaining about read. A blog that people sat down at there computer and think "oh heavens I havnt caught up with what is going on in the world of Celina today" and they have withdrawals. I also want a blog that all I have to do is post advertisement and it makes me enough money to survive without a real live job. Is that so much to ask? So I pretty much want to be dooce. Except I dont have the guts to blog about people I have to deal with on a day to day or family or friends if its bad. I dont have the stomach for it. Literally. I dont have the stomach for a lot of things. (ie..Cat vomit ( Wilfreds was warm) scooping poop,any gross smells, the smell of ripe bananas, the smell of baby vomit (I will hopefully get over that one day), Yogurt (even though I love it), bananas ( I have to eat them green), and confrontation. These are all things that makes me gaggy. I think I might change my blog address. Know why?? Cause my loggin was done when I still had my married last name(my email was still that name I wasnt), and heavens knows its not that anymore!! And I just dont like typing that in everytime I want to post for the 4 people that read this. So I might change it. Im still considering.

So Im at work right now, and Im pretty much (obviously) doing nothing. I'm a pretty good employee turns out... I actually am, and I dont have that much to do but its only like 2 in the afternoon so Im feeling a little guilty.

Mark is still in Italy. Know why? Oh right, cause its not like October yet. He has been gone, a little over a week now and you would think I was Henry and you took Peter the pig away from me. Im going a little nuts. Which I guess is a pretty good sign givin the fact that when I was married and he left for Iraq I was better than fine. I didnt miss him at all, My life was so much easier without him around. ( That sounds horrible, but really we didnt have the best relationship and I was a maid so not having to cook or clean up after him or fight really was better) Im also pretty independent and usually am just fine alone, and Im not like drowning in my sorrows or anything but I do miss him and wish he was here with me. I keep forgetting he's not here and think, 'Oh Im gonna call Mark' Ohhh yeah... So hopefully thats a good sign that all is well in that department.

So listen. Katie and I went to Rainbow Gardens the other day to see when they had the card readers and stuff there. Apparently they have a whole plethora of people there and each has like there own day and most of them are about 35 for half hour and 60 for an hour, which seems like kinda a lot but I really want to go! They have card readers, then they have someone thats a medium.I would want to go to her, to see if I have any spirit guides around me!! (listen I watch John Edwards, and Ghost Whisperer) I think that would be cool. I will not be going to SummerzStars for whatever it was cause I dont like her name. If your already claiming that you have some sort of connection with the other side, please dont have a ridiculous name to go along with it.Thanks. Anyway I guess I'll get some work done, and its a pretty long post about nothing, so sorry. Also, I know everyone that reads this also reads Christy's blog but if you havent in awhile go and look at pictures of Jack. BIBLE, cutest damn child in the entire world. And to think Vic didnt want children! They should sell there goods so others can have the cutest kids in all the world!! Do it. and sell me some.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

4th of July

So not much has been going on as of late. Turns out Im pretty boring. This last weekend was the 4th of July, and I had Friday off work also, which was very much needed. For about the 2 weeks leading up to this wonderful day off, I was pretty crabby. I had about enough of work, everything and everyone. I was pretty pleasant. So I did pretty much nothing on Friday which was nice, and Saturday morning Jessica, Katie and I went down to the gateway to do some shopping. Well at least Jessica did some shopping. I was under the impression that we were going for 2 specific things, Jessica had 20 bucks giftcard thing to Arden B and gifts for Katchie. It turned out to be alot more than that, which would not have been a big deal if I hadnt been a ragging bitch straight out of hell the last few weeks, and if Mark hadnt been leaving to Italy like 2 days later. Yes, Mark left me, more on that later. So after shopping and getting home, with it being the 4th and all, Mark and I were trying to figure out what in the heavens to do. I hate large crowds of people so firework displays are usually not on my to-do list. So we took Henry and Molly (the dogs) to the parkway, which was surprisingly empty and hung out. Henry had a blasty-blast swimming and fetching the ball in the water, Molly on the other hand is a demon dog and hates all things to do with water, other dogs, and children. So she was not happy. She hates Henry. And poor sweet 96lb Henry is terrified of this little dog. She got pissed when he got a little to close to her goods, (cant blame her, at least she's not hoochin it up) and continued to growl and bark at him the rest of the day. When we got to the field and we released them to be free (aka taking the leashes off) she (for no reason) went after Henry who dropped to the ground, squeezed his eyes shut, and braced for impact. Really it was like he was yelling "OHHHH NOOO!!!" Poor guy. Well she is really scared of him which is why she turns mean, she's a sweet thing if she's not scared of being eaten, and never actually got to him before she turned and ran the other way. Lets just say the rest of the weekend where ever Molly was, Henry steered clear. After a few hours in the sun we went back to the house and had ourselves a nice little BBQ, and watched some movies. Sunday we had dinner with his parents, and Tuesday I took him to the airport to go to Italy for 90 days. 3 months, he wont be back till like October. I have a tendency of making people leave for months on end when they are with me. So now, I'll be trying to work on my fitness, cause I havent for the last month because of the whole leg situation, but I ran 2.5 miles today on lunch and its feeling good. So there you go. Nothing to exciting ever happens in Celina's life. Henry is still a big huge lug who is the sweetest thing of all time, Lola is loving life now that I got her hair cut, and is acting like a bran new cat. Honest, she is happy and plays now. Weird. Wilfred is becoming more grumpy and ornery as the days go on, but still loves him mom, he vomited last night like he was in the exorcist. Sweet Katie had to clean it up for me cause I attempted and it was warm and I spent the next few minutes over the sink in the kitchen trying to not vom. Thanks again boo! So thats about it. No Mark for what is going to seems like forever, Im going to be super bored. And damn it I already miss him! STUPID MARK. I guess Im pretty fond of the guy. Dang it. Henry is going to have a cousin, and Im finally getting a nephew out of Jess, unfortuantly its only going to be in teacup poodle form. But he is going to be adorable, you would know this from Jess if she had a blog but she's lame and doesnt. Hey Jessica, work on that, K, thanks, bye. :)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Its been awhile.

So I havent been up to much. Watched some movies, and its rained... a lot. But you all live here so you know this. This weekend I was helping my sweet dear of a grandma get some of there crap out of the condo that they havent lived in in over a year. They finally decided they needed some help. Good idea. Now, listen. I love my grandmother to my very core, but she is the grandmother that buys you and all your cousins the same things 5-10 years in advance. We were never allowed in the basement for the pure fact that we would see what we would be getting for Christmas in 3 years. The woman cant pass up a deal. Well whist going through things that havent been touched in about 20 years (and trying to avoid creepy spiders) we came across a huge like 2 foot barrel. Really, the woman had 2 real life barrels, I didnt even know anyone could buy these things. To which I said "Grandma, you know I love you, but if this is food storage in here, I will beat you" (my great-grandmother who pasted a few years ago, had a whole room of food storage from the 60's that no one knew about and lets just say I wont be doing that again) Well we popped that baby open and what did we find? A bunch of my moms stuff that crazy Kari had packed up when she moved in that she brought to my grandma. My grandma didnt even remember she had it down there.
Now, I've always kinda wondered where her stuff could have gone, cause we have some things, like a few rings, and my grandma was always trying to give us her clothes, "Cause, honey that fashion is coming back" No, its not. But it was her entire jewelry box, some yearbooks, photo albums, and stuff like that. For any of you that know me I'm pretty much an emotional wreck anyway, but I kinda fell apart a little bit when something else she had in there started playing music and I opened her jewelry box to find the smallest little bracelet that said Celina on it that she had made. Im not going to get all nuts on you right now, but I have always felt like I had something missing, and my mom will always in my mind be 'perfect' no matter what. Its kinda like (stupid analogy) but in 'My girl 2' when she goes on the quest to find out everything she can about her mom then realizes that her mom was a pot-smoking hippy. Except without the pot smoking hippy part, cause my mother would have never done anything like that. :) But I am always curious and looking for anything that I can learn or find out about her. Anyway.... we also found something else very special. My brother had a pair of little (Christmas ornaments) boxing gloves that my dad had put on the incubator that I had only heard about and seen in a picture. One of the only things my dad has ever really told us is he really wished he knew where those were and that he wished he had kept track of them. My dad also had always said he would never get a tattoo, he didnt like them. Well a few years ago, he got one of 2 boxing gloves, with a halo, and Joey Ray underneath. We found those gloves in the barrel. I will never forget the look on my dads face when he saw those. I think it was the best moment of his life, seriously. To which we all kinda fell apart. (look we're an emotional family! ) Another thing we found was my mom's wrist band from the day I was born, It said Chrisy Daniel, Dr. Hartman, the hospital, and written on it was the date March 7, 85 and girl. I guess so they didnt bring her a boy! She also had Jessica's in there. Apparently she kept everything. Again, with the issues I have with the whole mom situation. I am grateful for my life, crappy as the childhood was, I had my dad to keep me steady and I always knew that no matter what I had my dad and Jessica. I am also grateful that I didnt have to go threw what other people go threw like loosing your mom after years of knowing them or loosing them unexpectedly. But I also miss not knowing or remembering anything. Jess says she remembers bits and pieces, and in some ways Im a little jealous. I have always wanted something. I have pictures and stuff, but nothing of just us two. Everything is with the family. I know thats probably selfish but Jess has a picture of just her and my mom and again I kinda want that. But so Im always looking for something. I now know that I was delivered by a Dr.Hartman, and he works at McKay Dee now, and is still practicing. (Yes, I looked him up) Im trying to not be crazy, but I now want him to be my doctor, but he's an OBGYN and I have the best woman, I dont know if I could do a guy. So my other option ( that Im considering) is totally getting prego so I have an excuse to go see him. ( Im kidding, although Katie said I should just go in for a prego-test, she's as nuts as I am which is why we get along) Now you say, Look Celina he's not even going to remember you, he graduated in like 1976 (yes, I know this) and has delivered many babies. But my aunt went to him a while ago, and she said he asked her if she was related to my mother. He remembered my mom. My grandma said he was a young doctor and took it hard cause she was the first one he lost. For that reason alone I want to hug this man. I'm sure this is very inappropriate, and trust me I know all this is crazy so I wont be doing it, but I am very glad we found these things, and thank you Kari for not just throwing them away and being descent enough to give them to my grandma.
Anyway! Its sunny today!!! Whoot Whoot! its supposed to be a good week, till Friday and Saturday when its going to rain again, not that I mind so much cause i have not had to water the lawn once this year!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Its official....

So its been awhile since I have blogged, but not much has gone on. I've seen a bunch of movies, hung out, tried to go to the gym (unsuccessfully) ran outside and hurt my hip/groin bone/joint area, so just the usual going on with the fitness. But some news, Mark and I have made it 'official' Now... Look. Apparently he didnt even know we were supposed to have 'the talk' because he hasnt done that since high school. Well arent you grown up and mature. We pretty much had this via text, after having breakfast with Jess and Mace where she pretty much just said ' Have you had the talk?' He was pretty annoyed at the fact that all his friends are in our business to which I said ' Arent you in everyones business, and really? Like you didnt know this is how we all are?' So after him saying he wasnt mad, which I think he was, I got pretty annoyed, but I guess its official. Nothing else to really say so I'll just make a list of things I love.
THINGS I LOVE: (in no particular order)
*Rain(sound and smell)
*Ice cream
*The pets, (even though I yell I love that damn dog!)
*The Fam.
*Mexican candy
* All candy (I really do think I have a problem)
* The way you feel when your having a really good run. (No pain or exhaustion)
*Cleaning with the music really loud.
*Rocking out in the car with the windows up and no one next to you (so you can really get into it- It happens people, ooh does it happen.)
*Sandra Bullock
*A book you cant put down.
*A movie you can cry at, but you cry because its happy
*Making Wilfred make punches in the air while saying (yeah, yeah)
*Massages (heavens do I need one)
*Bubble bath with just candles lit
*Shower with just candles it
* The dark (see above :) )
*Not having to drive somewhere
*When the ex has to call and be super nice to you after he was a complete crazy bipolar ass just a week ago cause he needs a favor. HAHA IDIOT!! And can do nothing but say sorry and thankyou so you'll do the favor! Oh man thats so good. I LOVE IT. (ps. The only reason Im doing the favor is it has to do with my bronxie poopoo. and I dont want the dog on the streets till he gets back)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Worst. Weekend.Ever

So I guess I shouldnt say ever, cause there were some good parts. But look. I was sick, real sick. I thought I had the swine. (really) Turns out just the regular old flu, its been a few years since I've had the flu so I forgot how HORRIBLE it is. It all started Friday when I was running around like a crazy person because I had to pretty much go straight from work to Jess's so we could go to a wedding reception. I didnt eat that night till about 930, which is no bueno anyway cause I get headaches and the nausea. So whilst eating my leftover pasta from Roosters, I thought the reason I wasnt feeling that great was that I had waited to long to eat. On to Saturday, pretty much the same thing, didnt eat when I was hungry so I thought I was feeling crappy cause of that. (not to mention I was second job hunting, which didnt go so well) But then dear old Mark came to my rescue and we went to dinner. Afterwards we wanted to go to the Fun-zone and go mini-golfing. (Its that Frogs place over by the the freeway it has everything) Well lets just say Celina ruined the fun-zone. 3min in and I was quite vomitous. So we left, and I barely made it to my own bathroom before the night really got fun. Sunday rolled along, and I was feeling a little better but still not 100% so I decided to take Monday off so I didnt give anyone else the swine. Monday morning was okay, but by mid-afternoon I was good. I was even going to mow the lawn but it still wont work. (a whole other story, Im pretty upset about it) Then to what did my little heart crave for dinner?? Meatloaf. Dont ask me why, I just wanted meatloaf, so I made it. It was heavenly... Till 25 min later that I was in the bathroom again....All night... worse then any of the other nights. Not eating meatloaf ever again. I felt like I had a hangover cause I just laid on the bathroom floor trying to get some zzz's cause whenever I left I had to go right back in. Awesome. Now, I didnt feel sore, or feverish, so I kept thinking WTF is wrong with me? I dont feel sick, till I eat. Jessica and Katie both came to the same conclusion....'Oh your prego'.... Sorry ladies, no I am not. Jess told me to prove it, and if I had felt up to it I was going to take home prego test to prove it. But why waste like 20 bucks. So Tuesday I rolled off the couch ( I had ventured there on my way back from the taking the bathroom trash out for a 2nd time, guess why I was vomiting in the trash) And went to the doctor. Who told me, " You have the flu, had you not eaten last night, you probably would have been fine, now you have to start over." Oh great. I didnt read the fine print that comes with flu's that says to not eat for 3 days thanks. So all I 'ate' was coke (for bubbles), water, and chicken broth (again dear sweet Mark brought me that, although he got me the wrong Jell-O I had no idea the snack packs of Jell-O could be so sick, and NOT strawberry dear, NOT strawberry. You have to get the sugar free citrus kinds, with only 10 calories per cup they are yummy....But he tried so I didnt say anything)
Today I am back at work feeling okay. Still drowsy from the anti-nausea pills they gave me, and was aloud to eat rice!! So on my lunch I went to the nearest fast chinese place and got only rice and egg-drop soup. I have never wanted real food so badly in my life. And now my stomach is grumbing at me again. Its not hurting, but its chattin it up with me. Great. I will never be able to eat anything again. Oh and just so we're all clear, I vomited everything I ate for 3 days, and havent really eaten since, and I still havent lost any weight. Just another bonus tid-bit.
On a lighter and not so gross note: Mark and I went and saw 'Angels and Demons' on Sunday it was pretty good, I liked it much better than 'The DeVinci Code' I think because I stopped reading Angels and Demons around page 40 to see the movie. I had read The DeVinci code and it was fresh on my mind when the movie came out so I loathe that movie. The parts they left out were like the most important parts. So I didnt read this book so I could watch the movie and not hate when they left parts out, which the first 15 min did piss me off, so there you go. I would have hated it. I am now going to read the rest, and fill in all the blanks they left out. But good movie I recommend it. This Friday, watch out people 'TERMINATOR!!!' So excited. Can you tell.

Monday, May 11, 2009

If I were President...

These are some thing I would change/do if I were President:
  • Free health care: Why? Why not? I would pay higher taxes if I knew that I could get health care when needed. Canada seems to be doing well for themselves.
  • Spankings gallor!!: Pretty much just that. Kids these days (yes, my generation and younger) get away with murder and I would give parents the right, again, to put the whoopin down on the kids. Lets get some respect back. With doing that maybe we could have Jess not have so many kids she has to deal with.
  • No fat kids: That might sound bad, but really. I would make having obese kids child abuse. Cause hello. It is. Sorry, but your 1 year old doesnt need coke in there bottle. Also, Mcdonalds should not be your main source of food. And by the way, make your kid go outside and play, the sun is good for them. Video games = lazy, fat kids.
  • Prego? No bars for you honey: It would against the law, not just frowned upon, to smoke or drink whilst prego. Just cause something is wrong with you mentally doesnt mean your kid has to come out with issues. Thanks.
  • Famous? I dont care: I have issues with the rich and famous. Now, I wouldnt mind being them, but as president I would do 2 things. 1 ban most paparazzi. The only time they would get there pics would be at events ie... red carpets, premieres ect... I am an avid fan of US Weekly, but really? we need to be concerned a little more with what is going on in our country and world, and a little less about 'how stars are just like us' 2- put a 1mill. a year cap on all wages. Honestly that is a ton of money. But we dont need profess. athletes making 74mil for 4 years. Thats a bit ridiculous. You are doing what you love to do. Give some back to the people that are coming to watch your ass hit a ball. Also you break the law, spend your time with the rest of us. There would be no special treatment for the famous. O.J? Your ass would have been in jail a long time ago. Thanks.
  • No homeless!! Because of all this extra cash floating around, there would be no homeless. Listen people no homeless means a lot more people are working, which means more people are spending, creating more jobs, and a great ecomony. Weird how that works right? Also I think if we took care of our homeless, our country would, in turn, be cleaner, nicer. And maybe people would'nt look at a homeless person and judge about how he got there when they know nothing of the situation (Ahem) Mace/Jeff. :)
  • Schools: Schools would get a ton more money, teachers would be one of highest paid professions, but would have to have a masters, so they knew what they were talking about. Also if you didnt pass, you dont move on. Sorry, we want smart people to pass school, not just be a year older.
  • Be kind to your pets: The laws on animal cruelty would increase significantly and get harsher. Why? People that are nice to animals are less likely to kill a person. Its true, google it. And guess what, if you dont want a pet, you dont have to have one. If you do have one, its your family. Dont be a dick. Food, shelter, love. All they need or want. Also, unless you are breeding the animal balls/uterus coming out. Again, sorry Jeff.
  • Dont be stupid: Its quite possible that I would have something along the lines of 'Slapping police' Im sure they actually wouldnt slap you cause that is mean, but if you are being an idiot in public you will get a ticket. I dont mean your just ugly. I mean you are being totally disrespectful/obnoxious.
  • Praise the Lord: I dont go to church but I wouldn't stand for 'In God we trust' to be taken out of anywhere. Im not saying praying in school would come back, just saying.
  • The day of rest: Again with the no church thing. Im not saying you have to go to church. I just believe everyone needs one day where they are not working. So nothing would really be open on Sunday's. Try hanging out with family. You might learn something about them, or hey, maybe we would have less kids commiting crimes cause there parents were never around.

I bet all of you are glad that I will never be President. Could you imagine? This place would be a wreck, We get in wars cause I was having road rage. Geez. Also I would make myself Queen and thats no good for anyone!

    Wednesday, May 6, 2009

    Roof + Celina = Bad news....

    So Wilfred- aka- Mamma's handsome man, has had quite the week. Last Thursday he was stung by a bee and half his face was swollen, now while I kinda laughed at this I was a little worried. Turns out he was fine.

    Well this morning I received a call from Katie saying she hadn't seen Wilfred at all that morning which is unusual. I hadn't been home and went straight to work and thought all day...'Maybe I should go home and make sure he is in the house. So I went home on my lunch.
    I began searching when I walked in the door to only see Lola and Henry, and I thought well Wilfred and Pearl will be sleeping under a bed together. Pearl was on my bed. So I began the search.
    Closets, cabinets, dressers, dryer, washer, oven, microwave(yes), and then again... Every closet, cabinet, dresser even the cabinets that I cant even reach, and I found it odd that I could only hear him in the hallway under the swamp cooler. I thought 'Well there is no possible way he is on the roof.' So I went outside and stood on Betsy to see on the roof. No Wilfred, so I once again searched the entire house. And again the only time I could hear him was under the swamp cooler. Awesome. Now....we all know I on the shorter side of the height spectrum. Another little tid bit of info....I don't own a ladder. Why? BECAUSE I DON'T GET ON THE ROOF!!! Or so I thought.... After figuring that is the only place he could be, I spent ten minutes trying out different ways to get up there. Step stool to shed?-Nope, garbage can, cant even get up there so I brought the step stool to get on the garbage can. Turns out I'm an idiot and there is a chain link fence that is high enough to get on the shed.
    So I climbed the fence, got on the shed (quite slick, and I hadn't thought in my scurry to change out of ballet flats.) and then to the roof. That little shit was under the tarp that covers the swamp cooler. How the heavens he got up there is beyond me cause he doesn't even have front claws. Whatever.
    So after picking him up and loving him, he was a wreck. Hot, stinky, and shaking, I realized that I was pretty high ( I don't like heights at all) and began to wonder how I was getting down with a scared cat in my arms. After 5 min. of weighing my options I figured out that I was going to have to drop him from the shed(which is about 8-9feet) to the ground in the backyard and get down. Well Henry was super excited that I just so happened to be dangling Wilfred from the shed and when I dropped him (cats always land of feet, is apparently a myth) he proceeded to say (in Henry voice, 'Hey man, where you been? We've totally all been looking for you) whilst right in his face. Wilfred who was in no mood to chat with Henry jumped the fence and sat at the bottom of the shed screaming. All the while I was trying to shimmy my way off the shed back to the fence without killing myself. Saying to him 'Okay, its okay, I'm almost there.'
    Well by the time I got down, Wilfred had decided I was taking to long and ran to the neighbors under there car, and of course right when I got there I was just in time to see the tip of his tail as he made his way up into the belly of the car. Great. I then spent the next 15 min. Trying to be soothing enough to get him to come down so I could drag him out and into the house. He finally did, but not before both of us were covered in dirt and grease. Mind you....I'm on my lunch. So after getting in the house and wiping him down and changing I grabbed a cup of noodles and came back to work. I get to the turn style just as I realize I forgot my badge on my other pants....FML.

    Friday, May 1, 2009

    Lately...I've been thinking...

    Just some thoughts that have been going through my head lately:

    • Why is it as soon as your day one hiccup they keep coming?
    • Can cats be allergic to bee's, and if so should I take Wilfred(my handsome man) to the vet for his swollen cheek that looks like he has the mumps?-(Idiot, don't eat bee's, they bite back.)
    • Why do I have road rage (like crazy road rage) when I know full well I suck at driving?
    • How come dogs are always so happy even after being yelled at?...and how can I be more like that...
    • Am I going to (one day far from now) be a good mother, and should I seriously think about taking anger management before thinking about kids. (seriously) * Read previous thought*
    • Why with the older I get, the thought of kids gets more terrifying.
    • How do I get a job putting trivia on sting cheese and why in the world are a cats whiskers called-vibrissae?
    • Why do you always get home from someplace much faster than it took you to get there?
    • Why can I not loose any weight??(oh wait, I have to go to the gym for that right?...)
    • Why would Gold's gym be so stupid to shut down 12th street before really having a plan to have something other than 23rd for all 2472 1/2 people that now attend 23rd?
    • If drinking 100+oz. of water a day can help you loose weight, can not making that goal just add water weight? (I have not had 100+oz. since writing the blog about a 'system' I had thought through.)
    • Why is the book always better than the movie? And which is better to do, read the book first or watch the movie first? (I hated the movie The Davinci Code, but was the book and all the details to fresh on my mind?)- So should I wait to read Angels and Demons till after seeing the movie, so I'm not angry about what they left out?
    • In 10 years are we going to learn that splenda, sweet & low, and all the other no calorie sweeteners causes some weird cancer? (If so, I'm going to be upset)
    • When are we going to learn that to actually loose weight you have to do work, its never going to be in a miracle pill?(after work I'm stalking up on hydroxi-cut,they just took it off the market, I have a good liver, I'll be fine. :)
    • Why does it cost more money to try and eat healthy then going to McDonalds and getting it 'super sized'?
    • How is it we have sent a robot to Mars, but we cant make tires, or windshield wipers last forever?
    • Why in every movie that is 'in the future' is there no trees and no nature, just really tall apartment buildings where we all live, with flying cars, and we all listen to someone on a tv? If that is our future count me out. I hate the mall, I dont need to live with everyone. Thanks.
    • Why do people think Im mean, when in reality its all just being funny.? I'm not a mean person to anyone in real life, because when I accidentally make people feel bad, I feel horrible and vomitous.
    • Is vomitous a real word?
    • Why is it people are always so surprised when I will full out cry on a commercial, tv show, or movie? -Do you think my heart is that cold?
    • Should I go back to school? (by school I mean the ATC to get a finance/accounting degree, not real college school. Thoughts of real college depresses me to the core of my soul,yes I have one.)
    • Should I get a 2nd job to help with the mountain of debt I somehow have? And can I find something that is literally a few days a week after 6?
    • Am I considered a 'grown-up' at 24? And if so why do I still feel like I should be in high school, not to mention look like Im still in high school.
    • Do I intimidate people? ( I dont mean to, if I do)

    And I guess lastly:

    • Why do I have nothing interesting to blog about except random, useless thought that 4 people will read, all of which I talk to on a somewhat regular basis(Katie, Katchie, Jessica, Christy-Kay, and possible still Jeff, which Im sure he has stopped since Im not that interesting.)

    Wednesday, April 15, 2009

    little more on Britney

    Okay, so still on the high of last night I started reading some reviews of the show to see if everyone else loved it like I did. Apparently not. Whats not to love about jugglers, acrobats, contortionist, and Britney is little sleezy outfits?? What do you expect people. One article said the show wasnt a concert, but an over-the-top spectacle trying to make a compelling case for herself as the current queen of pop. UMMM HELLO!! SHE IS THE CURRENT QUEEN OF POP!! She is a performer she does it for a living. Hello. I thought it was a great show I dont give 2 shits if she didnt sing live. Thanks. Ohh and apparently the encore of 'Womanizer' is quite sleezy, I AM PISSED I MISSED THAT!!! Are people that do reviews ever happy??

    Its Britney Bit**!!!

    Oh my heck! Let me start by saying I love Britney. Even when that girl was a hot mess I was always rooting for her to come back to us. Lets just say...she has. This last album Circus is awesome and that was the theme of this concert. It was insane. --Hold, let me take a moment to say: Dear Katchie, I am so sorry that you did not get to experience this concert. You are a much bigger fan than I, being you supported the wreck of an album that was Blackout. I wish you could have been there!!
    Okay how did I stumble into Britney tickets you ask?? Well it came with a price...The name of that price is Kiel (aka the ex-husband) Now, we are still civil and polite I guess. And well the date that he was taking had to bail because of the fact that her child fell ill.(thank you, wee vomitous child) so after unsuccessfully trying to find another date, he called his last resort, ME!! About the only time I was grateful I was on the bottom of his list ( it was a trend of his, dont ask) so I accepted because, umm... its Britney. I actually told him I was busy then when he mentioned Britney I said ' actually I can go'. So the entire night I had to listen to him be obnoxious, and drunk. just solidifying my decision. Oh he also got the classy dames number behind us after taking drunk pics with her, good luck with that. She asked about me and he said 'oh yeah, that's my ex-wife' umm maybe this is just me, but I would be staying clear of anyone you meet at a concert that brought his ex-wife along. Doesnt that mean, not only is something wrong with him, but he cant find anyone else to take but the ex?? But again this is just me, and look, she was CLASSY.
    Anyway... to the important stuff.
    The Pussycat dolls opened, and I have actually just started to become a fan of there's, I almost bought the cd the other day and didnt. I should have. And will be doing so later this week. They were actually very good. We were in the nose bleeds, but I didnt care, the stage was a circle on the floor so its not like you couldnt see everything going on all the time. So they did a few songs and then it was time for Britney..... The stage was 'sick' yes I said it sick. It was literally like a circus, before she came out, there were people suspended in the air, and on the rope things swinging around, it was like Cirque du Soleil, or what I would think that was like. It was freggin awesome. They had magic tricks, and would make Britney disappear and reappear. There was dancing with tons of backup dancers all dressed in weird circus outfits, they had little nuggets running around (yes Katch) and at one point Britney was in a large picture frame holding on to something inside as it was in the air and she was dancing in it, she also was suspended in air a bunch of times and WOW.... Lets just say it was a really good show, regardless of who I was with. Now I ended up leaving about 45 min early, or around there Im thinking. And Im not thrilled about that, I would have loved to see the entire show, then the other chick that was there said ' That was the stupidest concert I have ever been to' Really??? Idiot. What did you except, I love Britney but you didnt actually expect her to sing live, whilst dancing and being tossed the the air did you? And what exactly didnt you like? It kinda tells you from THE NAME OF THE CONCERT what to expect. So I dont know what she was expecting but we all know certain things: The sky is blue, Everybody dies, and Britney Spears will lip-sync at her concert but will give you one hell of a show... which she did. So thank you Kiel for having on one else that wanted to go with you, cause I had a blasty-blast. The drive home on the other hand was a nightmare. Darkness+torrential rain+ large truck+Celina driving=Bad news. (Im not the best driver as it is, ohh... and Im blind) I think I almost died a few times last night. But I choose to risk it then has a drunk drive. Thanks. So in short, next time B.Spears comes to concert I might spend the $100 dollars for a ticket, because it was the best show I think I have ever seen. I didnt bring a camera, I was cursing all night. But I dont know if you were allowed them anyway cause a few were confiscated. Who know...

    Thursday, April 9, 2009

    Breakin the law!!

    So now that I posted about nothing and bored you all, I found something. These are real laws in Utah, apparently law makers have way to much time on there hands. They are hilarious, and makes you wonder 'Why would they even make that a law?' Its from the website this is my new fav website.

    *It is against the law to fish from horseback.
    *It is illegal not to drink milk.-Oooh Jess!! You are so goin down!
    *It is illegal to detonate any nuclear weapon.
    *Birds have the right of way on all highways.-Umm, cant they just fly over us?
    *A husband is responsible for every criminal act committed by his wife while she is in his presence.- I shall remember this the next time I wed.
    *You’re not allowed to sell beverages containing more than 3.- Well Im pretty sure Dr. Pepper brags about having 23 things in it, illegal? Yes, it is.
    *It is a felony to persistently tread on the cracks between paving stones on the sidewalk of a state highway.
    *It’s legal for restaurants to serve wine with meals, but only if you ask for the wine list.- What??-I guess thats why they always ask you...
    *It is considered an offense to hunt whales.- I know I would be offended
    *No one may have sex in the back of an ambulance if it is responding to an emergency call.-But as long as no one is dying, have at it!!
    *Alcohol may not be sold during an emergency.-I find that in emergencies is when I need alcohol the most, what to do....
    *Individuals may not possess beer in containers larger than two liters unless they are a retailer.
    *Boxing matches that allow biting are not allowed.-Well after the whole Mike Tyson fiasco....
    *It is illegal to cause a catastrophe.-Dang itttttt, I had a pretty good one too.
    You must have identification to enter a convienence store after dark.
    Women may not swear-Good thing I dont live in Logan...
    Daylight must be visible between partners on a dance floor.- I wonder if they allow Dirty Dancing to be watched in Monroe...
    Throwing snowballs will result in a $50 fine.-pay up people
    Salt Lake County-
    No one may walk down the street carrying a paper bag containing a violin.-Who did this? And who was pissed about it??
    Auctions may not be advertised by hiring trombone players to play on the street.-Well thats just silly.
    It is illegal to have sex in a moving ambulance and if you are caught the guy is let go and the woman is punished and her name appears in the newspaper.-K, First I cant have the sex while the ambulance is being used for emergencies, now I cant have the sex while its moving?? Your taking all the fun out of it!!! and guess what, Lil.Kim and Christina would be pissed that only the woman gets named for this!!!- What happened to the man is charged with anything his wife does in his presence?? Jeez I'm glad its 2009 and not 1951.

    Nothing new....

    So pretty much just as the title of this wonderful entry says, I have nothing new going on. I apologize for being super lame and not fun to read about, but thats my life!! I would like to apologize for this entry its kinda out there, so reader beware... I am pretty bored today, and after informing Katie via email about my schedule to get 100 oz of water per day (that turned out like a math story problem) she told me to update my blog. So here you go. These were my findings:

    If I take 10 gulps of water, it is a third of my water bottle so therefore 10gulps = drinking 1 time, which means it takes 3 times or 30 gulps to finish 1 bottle. Which also mean that to get to my 100 oz, it takes 12times or 120 gulps to get 4 bottles, which is the goal. I do better with a schedule so here we go, If I drink 1 time every half hour it will only take 6 hours to get the water I want, therefore leaving the rest of the day to drink other liquid or get extra water. Here will be my schedule broken down into times per bottle.
    10 1130 1 230
    10:30 12 130 3
    11 1230 2 330
    So in theory, I will be done drinking water by 330. But taking into consideration if I do the gym during lunch I would take my 10gulps at 11, leave, and not have the 10gulps till noon, so now this pushes me to 4pm
    Also take into consideration that I start the water consumption at 10 because of coffee drinking time. Now... a new thought has sprung into my head, I have been trying to do the gym in the morning, the few times this has happened I usually get a bottle done before or right after getting to work, but I will still be starting the regular consumption as stated above. I wonder how much water I can have before dying of water poisoning.....I'll need to google that.
    Really?? Yes Im that awesome right now. Jealous??

    Oh heavens....Im freezing right now, the fingers are having problems typing. Jeez... At least its just raining not snowing. Seriously people I got nothin to talk about!!! Thinking....Thinking.... Nope, nothin.
    Oooh! I made sloppy jo's last night for dinner, (or sloppy hoe's if we're speaking Joe, which we normally are) can you say effing delish!! I also made oven fries, courteous of Rachael Ray (loves her) and how adorable am I? Strawberry shortcake, yep....turns out SOMEONE doesnt like strawberries, so Im sure I'll end up eating it all myself, good thing I got the big round loaf of angel food cake and not just the precious little cup angel food cakes, cause it was a better deal. Katie had some, I'll make her eat the rest with me it cant be that bad for you, hellllooooo its strawberries, and did you know that whipped topping only has 25 calories in it?? Yeah its true, I'll be eating a spoonful of just that when I get home.
    Umm yeah, hi. The Hills started on Monday. Best. Show. Ever. Lauren has turned a new leaf and isnt going to let people walk all over her, or at least I gathered this being the fact she was a real big biatch about Heidi coming to her party that was on a boat so no one could leave!! HAHA. I heart this show. I believe its the last season and can I just say those writers are not letting us down!!! Drama, drama, drama. Yes, people I do think that its a tad scripted. But I do not care its good quality television. A tip of the hat to you, MTV, Bravo.
    Alright people, well Im done talking about nothing, sorry to waste the last 10 min of your life as you wonder when Im getting to the point. I dont have one. Also please send requests to get the last ten min of your life back to someone who can give it to you. The Lord. Thanks. 'Excuse me, do you know the Lord?' 'I do.' LOL, courtesy of America's top model-yet one more quality show.... Bye (really this time)

    Tuesday, March 31, 2009

    Major Frustration

    Okay.... Im going to attempt to make this a positive sandwich so Im not to Debbie downer for everyone.
    Positive: I still have a job!! Yay me!! I dont know how I still am employed but thank the Lord I am. I think its pretty much because I have taken on a bunch of work that no one else wants, so Im pretty busy. So I am not in crisis. At least for another 3 months, then Im sure we'll be back to layoffs. Awesome. Turns out the economy is real good right. now. :)
    Negative: I need a new body. Seriously. People, lets just get some history here. I AM 24!! I should be able to do any physical activity I want!! But oh dont worry my knee is still giving me trouble, mostly in the morning when its cold, yeah I guess Im 72 and need Bengay. Really, I've been using Tiger Balm patches to put on my knee to warm it up before running. I smell like a old folks home. If its not my knee bothering me its the upper thigh. On the same leg. I try to go running on my lunch, usually by this time the knee is doing okay, but after running, Im still in major pain, and limping from the thigh. Like sharp pains cutting down my leg. Its real nice.
    I have been trying to go to the gym in the morning so I dont have to deal with the herds of people after work (thanks a lot Gold's gym, you really didnt need 12th street) Well it rarely happens cause well, I hate mornings. To my amazement Katie was able to get me out of bed this morning and I went. Good thing I was able to run about a lap on the tread mil. Yeah. A lap. the entire time feeling as if my knee was going to explode. So I walked on a incline. Then I was going to do Body Attack. I did 15 min people. Its not even running really, but I couldnt even bend my knee or jog to the front of the class whilst pumping my fists in front of me. Am I meant to live a life where I am in constant pain while trying to do physical activity?? If so I am going to be a load by the time Im 26. Really. I dont even know what to do anymore. I NEED to loose 10 lbs. At least. I shooting for 15-20 that would be ideal, but really how in the bejesus am I supposed to accomplish this if I cant even run anymore. Now 2 years ago you tell me not to run, I would have been okay with that. Cause I was very thin, and hated running. Turns out Im starting to enjoy it, and just because I enjoy running now, my body hates me and doesnt want me to enjoy life. Oh BTW I even went to the doctor for the knee, she told me pretty much nothing, she told me to scrunch a towel with my toes to strengthen my arch. Really? Really? I bought $100 pair of running shoes, and nothing is helping. Im getting super pissed. Anyway enough of my loathing in self pity.
    Positive: I am kinda seeing someone! And by kinda I mean Katie asks everyday if he is my boyfriend yet, apparently we hang out quite a bit. I'm a bit hesitant to take it any farther right now. You know with the whole divorce thing. I really didnt want to get serious with anyone for at least a year, and just date around and work on myself. Turns out he is a great guy and very unexpected. I havent been on a date with anyone else but him, since we first went out and I dont really want to. Yes Jessica I do like him. Quit asking. He is a friend of Jessica's boyfriend, they kinda set us up. But yeah, its going well and I guess I'll just let it go where ever it might go. I'm just really trying to focus on the fact that I have some issues with relationships that I need to work out. I love the idea of a relationship, and I am pretty much always in one, but Im not good at them. Im starting to realize some of the things that I do, and so hopefully I can work past those and not hurt anyone else. I tend to do that to people. So fret not Jess, Im trying to work on that. Anyway
    Really long blog (sorry) short: I still have a job, my body hates me + zero weight loss= major frustration, I seeing someone who is a really good guy.

    Wednesday, March 25, 2009

    Edward, I'll get in your car anytime...

    So, not much has been happening in the life of Celina as of late, but I thought why not update my one reader. Lets see.... Oh! I got bangs. I was nervous, I was, but we all know Katchie is a miracle worker so they look gorg. At least thats what people have been telling me. Well some people. I have also got that I look Asian and like Cleopatra. Hmmm, interesting. This weekend was very busy. Friday I had to borrow the ex's truck which turned out okay till I gave it back and somehow its my fault that the cardboard in the back was flying out all over the freeway and he had to stop to pick it up. Hilarious. Except the fact that he told me I could leave it in there. Whatever. Dont be a dick. Thanks. I ended up getting a new bed. I needed a new mattress something serious. I dont even know how old the mattress I had was and I woke up every day with major back pain. No Bueno. So I went and got a new mattress, of course the guy selling it to me thought Katie and I were lesbians. Why wouldn't you?? Apparently girls can no longer go shopping for things with friends cause people will assume lesbian. Really the guy said 'oh yea thats a really good mattress, when she gets into bed you wont even feel any movement' Uhh what? I just laughed hysterically cause there was nothing else I could do. Then we went to Katie's fav place Ikea and got a new bed and dresser. Came home attempted to put it together before leaving for Vic's bday dinner at 5.
    Umm this Friday at midnight something great happened. Twilight came out on video. Shut up. I love this movie. I love Edward, and can I say I almost love him more now that he is in the comfort of my own living room?? Yeah. its true. Lordy he is gorg. We went to Katchie's Saturday to watch it but Katie and I ended up leaving early because I thought my head and eyes were going to explode in pain. Sorry Katch. :( But so we bought it and watched it in full Sunday. This was the 4th time Katie and I have seen this movie. Dont judge us we have little in this world to hold on to! But can I just say the hottest thing he says in this movie is when he saves her from being rapped and pillaged and tells her to 'Get in the car' hold on I need a moment... Jeez its hot. I need for someone to say that to me just as he does. Except I would probably say ' Uhh dont talk to me like that!' haha but not if it was Edward! And just for future reference for anyone out there reading. If anyone ever says to me 'I dont have the strength to stay away from you anymore' its over, we are getting married and Im having your babies. NOT. A. JOKE. Im pretty much obsessed with this movie. Everyone should see it and read the books.
    Lastly, I have taken on a pretty accurate resemblence to Roudolph. Its hot. Just a note to guys. Shave. It helps everyone out.
    Oh, also I'm probably losing my job again on the 30th. Look for me on 25th. I'll be the one with the red nose. Thanks.

    Tuesday, March 10, 2009

    A few more things...

    I forgot to mention a few things about life when I wrote earlier. May 25th something spectacular is happening. What you ask?? No Doubt in concert at the E Center with who opening??? PARAMORE!!! SHUT YOUR FACE UP RIGHT NOW!! I heart Paramore, and if you dont know of who I speak.... Shame on you! They are so good they have 2 songs on the Twilight soundtrack along with other fantastic CD's. Seriously if you do not know them I suggest you leave your house right now, drive to the nearest music store and purchase Paramore's Riot CD. I'll wait....... I've had it for over a year and can still listen everyday without it getting old. I think I do listen everyday actually. The 2 songs on the Twilight soundtrack are 'Decode', and 'I caught myself'. Listen people listen.
    The other thing I forgot to mention:
    4 tweezers
    3 hair ties
    1000 bobby pins
    a pencil
    a long straw looking thing
    a big ball of candle wax
    and an assortment of varies things that were unidentifiable.
    What do all of these things have in common you ask?? They were at the bottom of my sink! I swear the only exaggeration there is there were a few less than 1000 bobby pins. SICK!! The sink has had trouble draining since we had a mishap with the candle that is by the sink. We no longer light it. Katie bought some liquid plumber, and it made it worse. Katie was thinking of writing a stern letter to liquid plumber because the bottle says 'Satisfaction Guaranteed' and we were not satisfied. So we decided to be plumbers Sunday night and take the U looking thingy off the thing under the sink (Im pretty profesh at knowing plumbing terms). We thought this was going to be a big deal. Turns out the U thingy comes off quite easily (good to know) and these are all the things we found. Liquid Plumber didnt stand a chance. Needless to say she will not be writing that letter.... In other news Katie and I are now taking up small plumbing needs if anyone has a U looking thingy they need fixed. The transformation to lesbeans is almost complete!

    Oh to be 24....

    So turns out last Saturday (March 7th) was my b-day. The big 24!! Apparently I am the only one who thinks that this is not that big of a deal. People after 21 the next big b-day is 25 when you look at your quarter of a century of life and wonder 'What am I doing with my life!!!!' and have a pre-mid life crisis. I still have a year for that. So we didnt really do all that much. Friday I went to dinner and a movie, (watchmen) pretty good, but 3 hours of blue men penis. Which...whatever fine by me I guess, it was kinda nice to not see boobs all over the screen. Not that peeps is that hot to look at.... anyway getting off the point there! Then Saturday we went to Famous Daves ( my fav place in the whole world!) which was delish. (Dear Mr. Dave, a tip of the hat to you and your freggin amazing BBQ sauce!) Then we ventured to Katchie and Jeff's, Katch was in Vegas so she was missed, but we watched the fights, Then at 1130 my sweet dear sister Jess said it was time to go to Rumors (Everybody RUMORS!!!!) which I had stated many times throughout the evening (even though she denies this ) that I didnt feel like going. I was good with chillin where we were and drinking bev's there or at someone elses house. I had a major whole-head headache going on. The kind that goes from the back of your neck clear to your eyeballs. ( No good people). She of course declined. So Mark and I drove separately (because not everyone can fit in one car!) and we "went to get gas" and ended up watching a movie on the couch, where I also changed into sweats. So it was a pretty good night! Of couse I was receiving hateful text messages all night about how lame I was. Well next year I'll be sure to have a huge bash to celebrate my quarter century of doing nothing with my life. So until then, deal with it!! Love you Jess!!! But I did get some pretty awesome makeup from my awesome sister! So I love you even more for that!! Oh and Mace! Also thank you to Katie for the sweet Cardigan and book, and Katchie for the cute shirt (medium was perfect) and everyone else who showered me with gifts!!! It was a really good b-day regardless of my not wanting to go to Rumors (Everybody RUMORS!!!) Ask Mace about that.

    Monday, February 23, 2009


    So this weekend was Christy Kay's b-day. She had a heaven and hell party. It was pretty fun. Everyone dressed up and the decorations were pretty awesome.

    Well as most of you know Im not a big socialite. I usually am pretty quiet, and would rather listen. Turns out when Drunk Celina is around non of that is the case. What can I say about Drunk Celina?? Well she's a lot like a really excited Jessica. She is super nice, loud, chats with everyone and expresses her love for them. Drunk Celina is the one who attended the party on Friday. So here is my apology:

    I am sorry for everyone who had a witness drunk Celina. Im sure I said some really dumb, loud, obnoxious things! It was the Tequila. Honestly. This is why I dont drink often. To sweet Farrah, I'm so sorry that I was Chester the Molester with you. I adore you and I think you are super sweet. I dont remember if you were up for what happened, I just remember doing it. Most of you already know, cause you were there, but I grabbed Farrah and kissed her. Now, Im not a lesbiana... I guess I just wanted to kiss my friends that night. There was only lip action people so dont judge!! So I'm sorry Farrah!! As for Katchie??? Well she wanted it!!! :)

    Monday, February 16, 2009

    5th wheel

    So. This last weekend was Valentine's Day. I personally think V-Day is a pretty stupid holiday, but when your with someone you love I'm sure its okay. I was supposed to be doing a meal and depressing movie, but Katie went out and got a date. Congratulations. To her. Not being a smart ass either, I am excited for her. So I was going to be sitting at home, alone. Whatever I was fine with that. Then my sisters boyfriend Mace, said that I should come along. Sweet soul that he is. The only reason I went?? Sushi. I heart sushi, and it had been awhile. Turns out I should have stayed home and stuffed my face with cookie and ice cream, while crying over a good movie.
    Apparently I had a sign on my forehead that read " Fret not world! I'm here to take your abuse, and not be seen!" I guess my outfit was not black enough nor fancy enough. I'm not even trying to be negative Nancy right now. Even the damn waitress at sushi looked around the table and said ' So only 4 of you tonight?' Ouch. I guess I really did blend into the back round. Awesome. Trust me people I really don't give two shits that I didn't have a date for V-Day. Even if I had a choice, I don't think I would have taken it, there's far to much pressure on that day for romance. I'll just be sure to never be the 5th wheel again. And just so everyone knows, Friday the 13th is super lame. If Jessica can fall asleep with screaming and killing, it was no bueno.

    Wednesday, February 11, 2009

    Hello depends....

    So turns out my knee is still acting up. When I stretch it out and warm it up it does fine. Its just the 1.5 miles of massive pain before it gets warmed up that is bothering me. So I decided to take the running down a notch for a few days to give the knee a chance to mend. Its been about a week. Now, I have continued to run a little but not nearly as much and I have also tried lower impact stuff like riding the bike and the elliptical. That's all fine. But I am also stubborn and I want to run. I feel like running works the best for me. So I need for the knee to corporate, like now. It hurts all freggin day long, until I have done something to warm it up, then as soon as I am done excising the pain comes back full force. Awesome. So today at the gym I talked to one of the trainer ladies and she said if its a joint issue then make sure you have good shoes, insoles, blah blah blah all that crap that I already know. Then she said and maybe think about taking a joint supplement that has Glucosamine and Chondroitin. Really? I'm not even 24 yet, don't only old people take joint supplements? Apparently I've got the bad joints. Awesome. I'll be sure to pick up some Fiber One and Depends on the same trip.

    On a more Positive Pam note. I think I lost 2lbs! Although I weighed myself at the 12th street Golds, and not at the new one like I did before. But I don't care if the scales are off, just another reason I like 12th street more! Also I'm doing the cycling class again. Twice a week. Its been about 1.5 years since doing this class and the first 5 min. in I thought I was going to die, and the only reason I didn't leave was I was in the corner and I kept thinking ' If I leave not only will I have to clean off the bike, but I will have to walk through all these people staring at me for leaving' So I stayed. And let me tell you. I love that class. It kicks your ass but it is freggin awesome. I have some pain the the ass (literally) from the seat but everyone should try this class. Best. Class. Ever.

    Monday, February 9, 2009

    Positive Pam

    Okay, people have told me that I'm more a 'Negative Nancy' than 'Positive Pam' But really?? How in the heavens am I supposed to be Pam if the freggin snow will not stop falling!!! So here we go:

    Dear Mother Nature,
    Please stop with your nonsense. I know you have not been quite so hateful as you were last year. But still, its time to quit! I have no use for all this bull you keep giving us, for I am not in the mountains. You want to snow in the mountains, go for it, I wont say a word. But down here where real people are? Please stop, or I will fully stop using my green bags at the grocery store and go back to plastic, and really that's no good for anyone. Please don't make me.
    Negative Nancy aka Celina Sue

    Movies, Movies, Movies.

    So this weekend I saw quite a few movies... Friday I went and saw the new Underworld. People- this movie is freggin awesome. Everyone should see it. I already loved the underworld movies but you get the whole story since its the 'first' movie in the series. And you understand the rest of it so much more. I know I'm lame but I love getting the whole picture. And that damn Victor! Pretty much a real dick father. Anyway. Then Saturday Katie and the rest of the people I know went on big dates and saw 'He's just not that into you' Which I hear is pretty good. I went to dinner with the ex. Which was real fun considering I already had an awesome headache all day. I guess I shouldn't be mean. It wasn't bad, we were civil, and fret not Jess I was just being nice, I have no intention of getting into the mess again! :)
    Then I went to Adriana's (Yes, Katch the mexi-store) by myself to get these delicious popsicles or (paleta's in the mother language) They are the best things ever. The cucumber chili kind? Quit it with its deliciousness. Sounds weird but trust its devine. Also not very many calories. Then I went home and popped some unbuttered popcorn, and watched 'Madagascar 2' which was real cute, and ' Vicky, Christina, Barcelona' which was kinda weird. It was narrated some of the time, and I dont like that.
    Then Sunday I watched 'The sixth sense' on TV- The only M.Night Shyamalan movie that is worth watching. Then I proceeded to watch ' My best friends girl' which was pretty funny. I told you I was a movie whore this weekend. I also got the T.I cd. Apparently Im pretty hood as of late, but look its actually not bad. And the song 'Dead and Gone' with Justin Timberlake? Pretty awesome.

    Also just a question: What is appropriate for friends to do when they dont get the answers they want out of you? Call your other friends and ask them without your knowing? I dont think so. If I dont tell you I guess I didnt really care for you know. Turns out Im not married anymore so I have no one to answer to. Thanks. Not saying this happened. Just sayin.

    Wednesday, February 4, 2009

    Jillian said it...

    So last night Katie and I were watching the biggest loser. Loves the biggest loser. Anyway, the partners all came back after a month of being at home and had to weigh in to see how much they lost while they were home. Some chick only lost 2 pounds and tried to use the excuse of 'Well I built muscle, so that's why only 2 lbs are gone, muscle weighs more than fat.' Okay. This is what people have been saying to me, and I've been saying 'No I want to see pounds lost!' Jillian Michaels then turned to her and said ' Don't candy coat it. You only lost 2 pounds. I hate when people say oh well I gained muscle, trainers are always saying that, when in reality your just not trying hard enough' Thank you Jillian! But once again I'm in the boat where I'm just a fatty McGee who is not loosing weight. Look - Jillian said it.

    I also did not go to the gym on my lunch today, cause well my knee is in some trouble. My knee never bothers me, but Monday I ran 6 miles and as soon as I was done the pain set in. I guess I should have never stopped. Fret not people I iced last night. Hopefully I'll be back at it tomorrow.

    So turns out I'm have a bit of a obsession with Vampires. I always have. Fav show as a kid? Buffy the vampire slayer. Quit it with Angel's hottness. Some of my fav movies? Interview with a Vamp, Blade, Underworld, Twilight. And well books? Uhh Twilight, hello! Where am I going with this you ask.... Well I found some new vamp books. Its true. I was at the Hastings just the other day meandering and I stumbled across a display that said ' If you liked the Twilight series, you'll love this!' I said to myself 'Well yes! I did love the Twilight series!' So I bought the first book. There are about 4 or 5 of these books, they are not as big as the Twilight books, only a couple hundred pages each I think. The first one is called 'Marked' by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast. Now I'm going to come right out and say, its no Twilight. But its not bad. It kinda takes a different approach with the vamps. For example: Everyone knows that vamps exist, and you have to be marked to become one they dont bite you on the neck. Interesting. I'll keep you posted and let you know if its worth the reading. I may be biased though cause anything Vampire is right up the alley I like to call 'Celina's happy avenue.' Although... I will need to become a vampire by a bite on the neck.... cause well....I dont think I need to tell you....

    Tuesday, February 3, 2009

    What....a relief

    Turns out 25th will have to wait. For a bit at least. I still am holding onto my job!! Heaven knows what would have become of me if I was sitting in the unemployment line right now. I'm not kidding about 25th I WILL NOT go back to Stop & Shop. What else is new....Jeff told me I was pretty professional at this blogging business so I better not let him down. Also pretty hilarious comment on the weight loss Jeff. For those of you who don't know, Katchie's husband Jeff thought I was hitting on him once at the gym. Not to say that big guns and red hair isn't my type, cause well... isn't it everyone's? but I was just saying hello. He didn't remember me, cause no one ever does. So it took him about 5 min before he said to himself. 'Ohh wait! That's Jessica's sister!!' Anyway. We watched the fights this weekend. GSP ( or SGP if your me and like to but the St. first) is super hot and I would do him anywhere any time. That is not a joke. I would just tell him to not talk. I don't really like seeing people get the living hell beat out of them, but if your getting paid for it I guess its your bad. and Georges put a whoopin down. I was just very happy when they called the fight cause dude didn't even know where he was. Poor fella. My advice to him?? Hit the gym!! Jokes, people jokes. Then Sunday was the Superbowl. I was hoping for the Cardinals to win but only because I heard the story of Kurt Warner who is a very good soul... They lost, but not by very much. Note to all business' though: Uhhh next year could we work on the freggin commercials? Its most the reason I even watch the Superbowl, and none of them really made me chuckle this year, and I dont like that. PETA's commercial with hot babes rubbing veggies all over them would have at least thrown a little bit oh ' Uhh WTF was that?' in the commercial mix, but ever since that nipple business half time and commercials have gone downhill. DAMN YOU J.T AND JANET, DAMN YOU!!!