Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Edward, I'll get in your car anytime...

So, not much has been happening in the life of Celina as of late, but I thought why not update my one reader. Lets see.... Oh! I got bangs. I was nervous, I was, but we all know Katchie is a miracle worker so they look gorg. At least thats what people have been telling me. Well some people. I have also got that I look Asian and like Cleopatra. Hmmm, interesting. This weekend was very busy. Friday I had to borrow the ex's truck which turned out okay till I gave it back and somehow its my fault that the cardboard in the back was flying out all over the freeway and he had to stop to pick it up. Hilarious. Except the fact that he told me I could leave it in there. Whatever. Dont be a dick. Thanks. I ended up getting a new bed. I needed a new mattress something serious. I dont even know how old the mattress I had was and I woke up every day with major back pain. No Bueno. So I went and got a new mattress, of course the guy selling it to me thought Katie and I were lesbians. Why wouldn't you?? Apparently girls can no longer go shopping for things with friends cause people will assume lesbian. Really the guy said 'oh yea thats a really good mattress, when she gets into bed you wont even feel any movement' Uhh what? I just laughed hysterically cause there was nothing else I could do. Then we went to Katie's fav place Ikea and got a new bed and dresser. Came home attempted to put it together before leaving for Vic's bday dinner at 5.
Umm this Friday at midnight something great happened. Twilight came out on video. Shut up. I love this movie. I love Edward, and can I say I almost love him more now that he is in the comfort of my own living room?? Yeah. its true. Lordy he is gorg. We went to Katchie's Saturday to watch it but Katie and I ended up leaving early because I thought my head and eyes were going to explode in pain. Sorry Katch. :( But so we bought it and watched it in full Sunday. This was the 4th time Katie and I have seen this movie. Dont judge us we have little in this world to hold on to! But can I just say the hottest thing he says in this movie is when he saves her from being rapped and pillaged and tells her to 'Get in the car' hold on I need a moment... Jeez its hot. I need for someone to say that to me just as he does. Except I would probably say ' Uhh dont talk to me like that!' haha but not if it was Edward! And just for future reference for anyone out there reading. If anyone ever says to me 'I dont have the strength to stay away from you anymore' its over, we are getting married and Im having your babies. NOT. A. JOKE. Im pretty much obsessed with this movie. Everyone should see it and read the books.
Lastly, I have taken on a pretty accurate resemblence to Roudolph. Its hot. Just a note to guys. Shave. It helps everyone out.
Oh, also I'm probably losing my job again on the 30th. Look for me on 25th. I'll be the one with the red nose. Thanks.


  1. I will keep my eyes peeled for a Christmas novelty look a like on 25th! :)

  2. Ha! Your nose sure does look silly!
