Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Jillian said it...

So last night Katie and I were watching the biggest loser. Loves the biggest loser. Anyway, the partners all came back after a month of being at home and had to weigh in to see how much they lost while they were home. Some chick only lost 2 pounds and tried to use the excuse of 'Well I built muscle, so that's why only 2 lbs are gone, muscle weighs more than fat.' Okay. This is what people have been saying to me, and I've been saying 'No I want to see pounds lost!' Jillian Michaels then turned to her and said ' Don't candy coat it. You only lost 2 pounds. I hate when people say oh well I gained muscle, trainers are always saying that, when in reality your just not trying hard enough' Thank you Jillian! But once again I'm in the boat where I'm just a fatty McGee who is not loosing weight. Look - Jillian said it.

I also did not go to the gym on my lunch today, cause well my knee is in some trouble. My knee never bothers me, but Monday I ran 6 miles and as soon as I was done the pain set in. I guess I should have never stopped. Fret not people I iced last night. Hopefully I'll be back at it tomorrow.

So turns out I'm have a bit of a obsession with Vampires. I always have. Fav show as a kid? Buffy the vampire slayer. Quit it with Angel's hottness. Some of my fav movies? Interview with a Vamp, Blade, Underworld, Twilight. And well books? Uhh Twilight, hello! Where am I going with this you ask.... Well I found some new vamp books. Its true. I was at the Hastings just the other day meandering and I stumbled across a display that said ' If you liked the Twilight series, you'll love this!' I said to myself 'Well yes! I did love the Twilight series!' So I bought the first book. There are about 4 or 5 of these books, they are not as big as the Twilight books, only a couple hundred pages each I think. The first one is called 'Marked' by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast. Now I'm going to come right out and say, its no Twilight. But its not bad. It kinda takes a different approach with the vamps. For example: Everyone knows that vamps exist, and you have to be marked to become one they dont bite you on the neck. Interesting. I'll keep you posted and let you know if its worth the reading. I may be biased though cause anything Vampire is right up the alley I like to call 'Celina's happy avenue.' Although... I will need to become a vampire by a bite on the neck.... cause well....I dont think I need to tell you....

1 comment:

  1. Well boo, I think it's pretty amazing that you can run 6 miles, so you have that going for ya.
