Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Its Britney Bit**!!!

Oh my heck! Let me start by saying I love Britney. Even when that girl was a hot mess I was always rooting for her to come back to us. Lets just say...she has. This last album Circus is awesome and that was the theme of this concert. It was insane. --Hold, let me take a moment to say: Dear Katchie, I am so sorry that you did not get to experience this concert. You are a much bigger fan than I, being you supported the wreck of an album that was Blackout. I wish you could have been there!!
Okay how did I stumble into Britney tickets you ask?? Well it came with a price...The name of that price is Kiel (aka the ex-husband) Now, we are still civil and polite I guess. And well the date that he was taking had to bail because of the fact that her child fell ill.(thank you, wee vomitous child) so after unsuccessfully trying to find another date, he called his last resort, ME!! About the only time I was grateful I was on the bottom of his list ( it was a trend of his, dont ask) so I accepted because, umm... its Britney. I actually told him I was busy then when he mentioned Britney I said ' actually I can go'. So the entire night I had to listen to him be obnoxious, and drunk. just solidifying my decision. Oh he also got the classy dames number behind us after taking drunk pics with her, good luck with that. She asked about me and he said 'oh yeah, that's my ex-wife' umm maybe this is just me, but I would be staying clear of anyone you meet at a concert that brought his ex-wife along. Doesnt that mean, not only is something wrong with him, but he cant find anyone else to take but the ex?? But again this is just me, and look, she was CLASSY.
Anyway... to the important stuff.
The Pussycat dolls opened, and I have actually just started to become a fan of there's, I almost bought the cd the other day and didnt. I should have. And will be doing so later this week. They were actually very good. We were in the nose bleeds, but I didnt care, the stage was a circle on the floor so its not like you couldnt see everything going on all the time. So they did a few songs and then it was time for Britney..... The stage was 'sick' yes I said it sick. It was literally like a circus, before she came out, there were people suspended in the air, and on the rope things swinging around, it was like Cirque du Soleil, or what I would think that was like. It was freggin awesome. They had magic tricks, and would make Britney disappear and reappear. There was dancing with tons of backup dancers all dressed in weird circus outfits, they had little nuggets running around (yes Katch) and at one point Britney was in a large picture frame holding on to something inside as it was in the air and she was dancing in it, she also was suspended in air a bunch of times and WOW.... Lets just say it was a really good show, regardless of who I was with. Now I ended up leaving about 45 min early, or around there Im thinking. And Im not thrilled about that, I would have loved to see the entire show, then the other chick that was there said ' That was the stupidest concert I have ever been to' Really??? Idiot. What did you except, I love Britney but you didnt actually expect her to sing live, whilst dancing and being tossed the the air did you? And what exactly didnt you like? It kinda tells you from THE NAME OF THE CONCERT what to expect. So I dont know what she was expecting but we all know certain things: The sky is blue, Everybody dies, and Britney Spears will lip-sync at her concert but will give you one hell of a show... which she did. So thank you Kiel for having on one else that wanted to go with you, cause I had a blasty-blast. The drive home on the other hand was a nightmare. Darkness+torrential rain+ large truck+Celina driving=Bad news. (Im not the best driver as it is, ohh... and Im blind) I think I almost died a few times last night. But I choose to risk it then has a drunk drive. Thanks. So in short, next time B.Spears comes to concert I might spend the $100 dollars for a ticket, because it was the best show I think I have ever seen. I didnt bring a camera, I was cursing all night. But I dont know if you were allowed them anyway cause a few were confiscated. Who know...

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