- Free health care: Why? Why not? I would pay higher taxes if I knew that I could get health care when needed. Canada seems to be doing well for themselves.
- Spankings gallor!!: Pretty much just that. Kids these days (yes, my generation and younger) get away with murder and I would give parents the right, again, to put the whoopin down on the kids. Lets get some respect back. With doing that maybe we could have Jess not have so many kids she has to deal with.
- No fat kids: That might sound bad, but really. I would make having obese kids child abuse. Cause hello. It is. Sorry, but your 1 year old doesnt need coke in there bottle. Also, Mcdonalds should not be your main source of food. And by the way, make your kid go outside and play, the sun is good for them. Video games = lazy, fat kids.
- Prego? No bars for you honey: It would against the law, not just frowned upon, to smoke or drink whilst prego. Just cause something is wrong with you mentally doesnt mean your kid has to come out with issues. Thanks.
- Famous? I dont care: I have issues with the rich and famous. Now, I wouldnt mind being them, but as president I would do 2 things. 1 ban most paparazzi. The only time they would get there pics would be at events ie... red carpets, premieres ect... I am an avid fan of US Weekly, but really? we need to be concerned a little more with what is going on in our country and world, and a little less about 'how stars are just like us' 2- put a 1mill. a year cap on all wages. Honestly that is a ton of money. But we dont need profess. athletes making 74mil for 4 years. Thats a bit ridiculous. You are doing what you love to do. Give some back to the people that are coming to watch your ass hit a ball. Also you break the law, spend your time with the rest of us. There would be no special treatment for the famous. O.J? Your ass would have been in jail a long time ago. Thanks.
- No homeless!! Because of all this extra cash floating around, there would be no homeless. Listen people no homeless means a lot more people are working, which means more people are spending, creating more jobs, and a great ecomony. Weird how that works right? Also I think if we took care of our homeless, our country would, in turn, be cleaner, nicer. And maybe people would'nt look at a homeless person and judge about how he got there when they know nothing of the situation (Ahem) Mace/Jeff. :)
- Schools: Schools would get a ton more money, teachers would be one of highest paid professions, but would have to have a masters, so they knew what they were talking about. Also if you didnt pass, you dont move on. Sorry, we want smart people to pass school, not just be a year older.
- Be kind to your pets: The laws on animal cruelty would increase significantly and get harsher. Why? People that are nice to animals are less likely to kill a person. Its true, google it. And guess what, if you dont want a pet, you dont have to have one. If you do have one, its your family. Dont be a dick. Food, shelter, love. All they need or want. Also, unless you are breeding the animal balls/uterus coming out. Again, sorry Jeff.
- Dont be stupid: Its quite possible that I would have something along the lines of 'Slapping police' Im sure they actually wouldnt slap you cause that is mean, but if you are being an idiot in public you will get a ticket. I dont mean your just ugly. I mean you are being totally disrespectful/obnoxious.
- Praise the Lord: I dont go to church but I wouldn't stand for 'In God we trust' to be taken out of anywhere. Im not saying praying in school would come back, just saying.
- The day of rest: Again with the no church thing. Im not saying you have to go to church. I just believe everyone needs one day where they are not working. So nothing would really be open on Sunday's. Try hanging out with family. You might learn something about them, or hey, maybe we would have less kids commiting crimes cause there parents were never around.
I bet all of you are glad that I will never be President. Could you imagine? This place would be a wreck, We get in wars cause I was having road rage. Geez. Also I would make myself Queen and thats no good for anyone!
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