So now that I posted about nothing and bored you all, I found something. These are real laws in Utah, apparently law makers have way to much time on there hands. They are hilarious, and makes you wonder 'Why would they even make that a law?' Its from the website this is my new fav website.
*It is against the law to fish from horseback.
*It is illegal not to drink milk.-Oooh Jess!! You are so goin down!
*It is illegal to detonate any nuclear weapon.
*Birds have the right of way on all highways.-Umm, cant they just fly over us?
*A husband is responsible for every criminal act committed by his wife while she is in his presence.- I shall remember this the next time I wed.
*You’re not allowed to sell beverages containing more than 3.- Well Im pretty sure Dr. Pepper brags about having 23 things in it, illegal? Yes, it is.
*It is a felony to persistently tread on the cracks between paving stones on the sidewalk of a state highway.
*It’s legal for restaurants to serve wine with meals, but only if you ask for the wine list.- What??-I guess thats why they always ask you...
*It is considered an offense to hunt whales.- I know I would be offended
*No one may have sex in the back of an ambulance if it is responding to an emergency call.-But as long as no one is dying, have at it!!
*Alcohol may not be sold during an emergency.-I find that in emergencies is when I need alcohol the most, what to do....
*Individuals may not possess beer in containers larger than two liters unless they are a retailer.
*Boxing matches that allow biting are not allowed.-Well after the whole Mike Tyson fiasco....
*It is illegal to cause a catastrophe.-Dang itttttt, I had a pretty good one too.
You must have identification to enter a convienence store after dark.
Women may not swear-Good thing I dont live in Logan...
Daylight must be visible between partners on a dance floor.- I wonder if they allow Dirty Dancing to be watched in Monroe...
Throwing snowballs will result in a $50 fine.-pay up people
Salt Lake County-
No one may walk down the street carrying a paper bag containing a violin.-Who did this? And who was pissed about it??
Auctions may not be advertised by hiring trombone players to play on the street.-Well thats just silly.
It is illegal to have sex in a moving ambulance and if you are caught the guy is let go and the woman is punished and her name appears in the newspaper.-K, First I cant have the sex while the ambulance is being used for emergencies, now I cant have the sex while its moving?? Your taking all the fun out of it!!! and guess what, Lil.Kim and Christina would be pissed that only the woman gets named for this!!!- What happened to the man is charged with anything his wife does in his presence?? Jeez I'm glad its 2009 and not 1951.
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"Daylight must be visible between partners on a dance floor." HAHA what does this even mean??? Also I am going to have a real hard time with the violin in a bag... what am I going to do with my violin now?