Monday, January 19, 2009

really this time...

So turns out I'm dumb... Really. I created a blog Friday and thought I put 2 g's and apparently I only put 1. So thanks Katie, I know Im an idiot. Thanks. So really this time I'm blogging (see 2 g's!)

So (again) about myself. Name is Celina, I'm almost 24, and divorced. Yep. I'm real good at marriage, don't worry about it. I am living with multiply animals (verge of crazy cat lady) and my BFF boo-Katie. Yeah the one that is making me do this, then called me dumb. Really its fine Katie. Just a heads up, this blog is not going to be entertaining at all. Just so we're clear. Also people tend to think I'm a bit bitchy, turns out I'm just real hilarious. So if you think I'm being bitchy, well you can suck it. (I kid, I kid!!) I'm sure later I will be posting lists or have something else to say, but as for right now, I'm at work and better get something done, being that we're in an economic crisis and its a pretty big possibility that I will be without income real soon. (Look for me hookin on 25th, so I don't have to go back to Stop and Shop-Look it could happen).

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