Wednesday, April 15, 2009
little more on Britney
Okay, so still on the high of last night I started reading some reviews of the show to see if everyone else loved it like I did. Apparently not. Whats not to love about jugglers, acrobats, contortionist, and Britney is little sleezy outfits?? What do you expect people. One article said the show wasnt a concert, but an over-the-top spectacle trying to make a compelling case for herself as the current queen of pop. UMMM HELLO!! SHE IS THE CURRENT QUEEN OF POP!! She is a performer she does it for a living. Hello. I thought it was a great show I dont give 2 shits if she didnt sing live. Thanks. Ohh and apparently the encore of 'Womanizer' is quite sleezy, I AM PISSED I MISSED THAT!!! Are people that do reviews ever happy??
Its Britney Bit**!!!
Oh my heck! Let me start by saying I love Britney. Even when that girl was a hot mess I was always rooting for her to come back to us. Lets just say...she has. This last album Circus is awesome and that was the theme of this concert. It was insane. --Hold, let me take a moment to say: Dear Katchie, I am so sorry that you did not get to experience this concert. You are a much bigger fan than I, being you supported the wreck of an album that was Blackout. I wish you could have been there!!
Okay how did I stumble into Britney tickets you ask?? Well it came with a price...The name of that price is Kiel (aka the ex-husband) Now, we are still civil and polite I guess. And well the date that he was taking had to bail because of the fact that her child fell ill.(thank you, wee vomitous child) so after unsuccessfully trying to find another date, he called his last resort, ME!! About the only time I was grateful I was on the bottom of his list ( it was a trend of his, dont ask) so I accepted because, umm... its Britney. I actually told him I was busy then when he mentioned Britney I said ' actually I can go'. So the entire night I had to listen to him be obnoxious, and drunk. just solidifying my decision. Oh he also got the classy dames number behind us after taking drunk pics with her, good luck with that. She asked about me and he said 'oh yeah, that's my ex-wife' umm maybe this is just me, but I would be staying clear of anyone you meet at a concert that brought his ex-wife along. Doesnt that mean, not only is something wrong with him, but he cant find anyone else to take but the ex?? But again this is just me, and look, she was CLASSY.
Anyway... to the important stuff.
The Pussycat dolls opened, and I have actually just started to become a fan of there's, I almost bought the cd the other day and didnt. I should have. And will be doing so later this week. They were actually very good. We were in the nose bleeds, but I didnt care, the stage was a circle on the floor so its not like you couldnt see everything going on all the time. So they did a few songs and then it was time for Britney..... The stage was 'sick' yes I said it sick. It was literally like a circus, before she came out, there were people suspended in the air, and on the rope things swinging around, it was like Cirque du Soleil, or what I would think that was like. It was freggin awesome. They had magic tricks, and would make Britney disappear and reappear. There was dancing with tons of backup dancers all dressed in weird circus outfits, they had little nuggets running around (yes Katch) and at one point Britney was in a large picture frame holding on to something inside as it was in the air and she was dancing in it, she also was suspended in air a bunch of times and WOW.... Lets just say it was a really good show, regardless of who I was with. Now I ended up leaving about 45 min early, or around there Im thinking. And Im not thrilled about that, I would have loved to see the entire show, then the other chick that was there said ' That was the stupidest concert I have ever been to' Really??? Idiot. What did you except, I love Britney but you didnt actually expect her to sing live, whilst dancing and being tossed the the air did you? And what exactly didnt you like? It kinda tells you from THE NAME OF THE CONCERT what to expect. So I dont know what she was expecting but we all know certain things: The sky is blue, Everybody dies, and Britney Spears will lip-sync at her concert but will give you one hell of a show... which she did. So thank you Kiel for having on one else that wanted to go with you, cause I had a blasty-blast. The drive home on the other hand was a nightmare. Darkness+torrential rain+ large truck+Celina driving=Bad news. (Im not the best driver as it is, ohh... and Im blind) I think I almost died a few times last night. But I choose to risk it then has a drunk drive. Thanks. So in short, next time B.Spears comes to concert I might spend the $100 dollars for a ticket, because it was the best show I think I have ever seen. I didnt bring a camera, I was cursing all night. But I dont know if you were allowed them anyway cause a few were confiscated. Who know...
Okay how did I stumble into Britney tickets you ask?? Well it came with a price...The name of that price is Kiel (aka the ex-husband) Now, we are still civil and polite I guess. And well the date that he was taking had to bail because of the fact that her child fell ill.(thank you, wee vomitous child) so after unsuccessfully trying to find another date, he called his last resort, ME!! About the only time I was grateful I was on the bottom of his list ( it was a trend of his, dont ask) so I accepted because, umm... its Britney. I actually told him I was busy then when he mentioned Britney I said ' actually I can go'. So the entire night I had to listen to him be obnoxious, and drunk. just solidifying my decision. Oh he also got the classy dames number behind us after taking drunk pics with her, good luck with that. She asked about me and he said 'oh yeah, that's my ex-wife' umm maybe this is just me, but I would be staying clear of anyone you meet at a concert that brought his ex-wife along. Doesnt that mean, not only is something wrong with him, but he cant find anyone else to take but the ex?? But again this is just me, and look, she was CLASSY.
Anyway... to the important stuff.
The Pussycat dolls opened, and I have actually just started to become a fan of there's, I almost bought the cd the other day and didnt. I should have. And will be doing so later this week. They were actually very good. We were in the nose bleeds, but I didnt care, the stage was a circle on the floor so its not like you couldnt see everything going on all the time. So they did a few songs and then it was time for Britney..... The stage was 'sick' yes I said it sick. It was literally like a circus, before she came out, there were people suspended in the air, and on the rope things swinging around, it was like Cirque du Soleil, or what I would think that was like. It was freggin awesome. They had magic tricks, and would make Britney disappear and reappear. There was dancing with tons of backup dancers all dressed in weird circus outfits, they had little nuggets running around (yes Katch) and at one point Britney was in a large picture frame holding on to something inside as it was in the air and she was dancing in it, she also was suspended in air a bunch of times and WOW.... Lets just say it was a really good show, regardless of who I was with. Now I ended up leaving about 45 min early, or around there Im thinking. And Im not thrilled about that, I would have loved to see the entire show, then the other chick that was there said ' That was the stupidest concert I have ever been to' Really??? Idiot. What did you except, I love Britney but you didnt actually expect her to sing live, whilst dancing and being tossed the the air did you? And what exactly didnt you like? It kinda tells you from THE NAME OF THE CONCERT what to expect. So I dont know what she was expecting but we all know certain things: The sky is blue, Everybody dies, and Britney Spears will lip-sync at her concert but will give you one hell of a show... which she did. So thank you Kiel for having on one else that wanted to go with you, cause I had a blasty-blast. The drive home on the other hand was a nightmare. Darkness+torrential rain+ large truck+Celina driving=Bad news. (Im not the best driver as it is, ohh... and Im blind) I think I almost died a few times last night. But I choose to risk it then has a drunk drive. Thanks. So in short, next time B.Spears comes to concert I might spend the $100 dollars for a ticket, because it was the best show I think I have ever seen. I didnt bring a camera, I was cursing all night. But I dont know if you were allowed them anyway cause a few were confiscated. Who know...
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Breakin the law!!
So now that I posted about nothing and bored you all, I found something. These are real laws in Utah, apparently law makers have way to much time on there hands. They are hilarious, and makes you wonder 'Why would they even make that a law?' Its from the website this is my new fav website.
*It is against the law to fish from horseback.
*It is illegal not to drink milk.-Oooh Jess!! You are so goin down!
*It is illegal to detonate any nuclear weapon.
*Birds have the right of way on all highways.-Umm, cant they just fly over us?
*A husband is responsible for every criminal act committed by his wife while she is in his presence.- I shall remember this the next time I wed.
*You’re not allowed to sell beverages containing more than 3.- Well Im pretty sure Dr. Pepper brags about having 23 things in it, illegal? Yes, it is.
*It is a felony to persistently tread on the cracks between paving stones on the sidewalk of a state highway.
*It’s legal for restaurants to serve wine with meals, but only if you ask for the wine list.- What??-I guess thats why they always ask you...
*It is considered an offense to hunt whales.- I know I would be offended
*No one may have sex in the back of an ambulance if it is responding to an emergency call.-But as long as no one is dying, have at it!!
*Alcohol may not be sold during an emergency.-I find that in emergencies is when I need alcohol the most, what to do....
*Individuals may not possess beer in containers larger than two liters unless they are a retailer.
*Boxing matches that allow biting are not allowed.-Well after the whole Mike Tyson fiasco....
*It is illegal to cause a catastrophe.-Dang itttttt, I had a pretty good one too.
You must have identification to enter a convienence store after dark.
Women may not swear-Good thing I dont live in Logan...
Daylight must be visible between partners on a dance floor.- I wonder if they allow Dirty Dancing to be watched in Monroe...
Throwing snowballs will result in a $50 fine.-pay up people
Salt Lake County-
No one may walk down the street carrying a paper bag containing a violin.-Who did this? And who was pissed about it??
Auctions may not be advertised by hiring trombone players to play on the street.-Well thats just silly.
It is illegal to have sex in a moving ambulance and if you are caught the guy is let go and the woman is punished and her name appears in the newspaper.-K, First I cant have the sex while the ambulance is being used for emergencies, now I cant have the sex while its moving?? Your taking all the fun out of it!!! and guess what, Lil.Kim and Christina would be pissed that only the woman gets named for this!!!- What happened to the man is charged with anything his wife does in his presence?? Jeez I'm glad its 2009 and not 1951.
*It is against the law to fish from horseback.
*It is illegal not to drink milk.-Oooh Jess!! You are so goin down!
*It is illegal to detonate any nuclear weapon.
*Birds have the right of way on all highways.-Umm, cant they just fly over us?
*A husband is responsible for every criminal act committed by his wife while she is in his presence.- I shall remember this the next time I wed.
*You’re not allowed to sell beverages containing more than 3.- Well Im pretty sure Dr. Pepper brags about having 23 things in it, illegal? Yes, it is.
*It is a felony to persistently tread on the cracks between paving stones on the sidewalk of a state highway.
*It’s legal for restaurants to serve wine with meals, but only if you ask for the wine list.- What??-I guess thats why they always ask you...
*It is considered an offense to hunt whales.- I know I would be offended
*No one may have sex in the back of an ambulance if it is responding to an emergency call.-But as long as no one is dying, have at it!!
*Alcohol may not be sold during an emergency.-I find that in emergencies is when I need alcohol the most, what to do....
*Individuals may not possess beer in containers larger than two liters unless they are a retailer.
*Boxing matches that allow biting are not allowed.-Well after the whole Mike Tyson fiasco....
*It is illegal to cause a catastrophe.-Dang itttttt, I had a pretty good one too.
You must have identification to enter a convienence store after dark.
Women may not swear-Good thing I dont live in Logan...
Daylight must be visible between partners on a dance floor.- I wonder if they allow Dirty Dancing to be watched in Monroe...
Throwing snowballs will result in a $50 fine.-pay up people
Salt Lake County-
No one may walk down the street carrying a paper bag containing a violin.-Who did this? And who was pissed about it??
Auctions may not be advertised by hiring trombone players to play on the street.-Well thats just silly.
It is illegal to have sex in a moving ambulance and if you are caught the guy is let go and the woman is punished and her name appears in the newspaper.-K, First I cant have the sex while the ambulance is being used for emergencies, now I cant have the sex while its moving?? Your taking all the fun out of it!!! and guess what, Lil.Kim and Christina would be pissed that only the woman gets named for this!!!- What happened to the man is charged with anything his wife does in his presence?? Jeez I'm glad its 2009 and not 1951.
Nothing new....
So pretty much just as the title of this wonderful entry says, I have nothing new going on. I apologize for being super lame and not fun to read about, but thats my life!! I would like to apologize for this entry its kinda out there, so reader beware... I am pretty bored today, and after informing Katie via email about my schedule to get 100 oz of water per day (that turned out like a math story problem) she told me to update my blog. So here you go. These were my findings:
If I take 10 gulps of water, it is a third of my water bottle so therefore 10gulps = drinking 1 time, which means it takes 3 times or 30 gulps to finish 1 bottle. Which also mean that to get to my 100 oz, it takes 12times or 120 gulps to get 4 bottles, which is the goal. I do better with a schedule so here we go, If I drink 1 time every half hour it will only take 6 hours to get the water I want, therefore leaving the rest of the day to drink other liquid or get extra water. Here will be my schedule broken down into times per bottle.
10 1130 1 230
10:30 12 130 3
11 1230 2 330
So in theory, I will be done drinking water by 330. But taking into consideration if I do the gym during lunch I would take my 10gulps at 11, leave, and not have the 10gulps till noon, so now this pushes me to 4pm
Also take into consideration that I start the water consumption at 10 because of coffee drinking time. Now... a new thought has sprung into my head, I have been trying to do the gym in the morning, the few times this has happened I usually get a bottle done before or right after getting to work, but I will still be starting the regular consumption as stated above. I wonder how much water I can have before dying of water poisoning.....I'll need to google that.
Really?? Yes Im that awesome right now. Jealous??
Oh heavens....Im freezing right now, the fingers are having problems typing. Jeez... At least its just raining not snowing. Seriously people I got nothin to talk about!!! Thinking....Thinking.... Nope, nothin.
Oooh! I made sloppy jo's last night for dinner, (or sloppy hoe's if we're speaking Joe, which we normally are) can you say effing delish!! I also made oven fries, courteous of Rachael Ray (loves her) and how adorable am I? Strawberry shortcake, yep....turns out SOMEONE doesnt like strawberries, so Im sure I'll end up eating it all myself, good thing I got the big round loaf of angel food cake and not just the precious little cup angel food cakes, cause it was a better deal. Katie had some, I'll make her eat the rest with me it cant be that bad for you, hellllooooo its strawberries, and did you know that whipped topping only has 25 calories in it?? Yeah its true, I'll be eating a spoonful of just that when I get home.
Umm yeah, hi. The Hills started on Monday. Best. Show. Ever. Lauren has turned a new leaf and isnt going to let people walk all over her, or at least I gathered this being the fact she was a real big biatch about Heidi coming to her party that was on a boat so no one could leave!! HAHA. I heart this show. I believe its the last season and can I just say those writers are not letting us down!!! Drama, drama, drama. Yes, people I do think that its a tad scripted. But I do not care its good quality television. A tip of the hat to you, MTV, Bravo.
Alright people, well Im done talking about nothing, sorry to waste the last 10 min of your life as you wonder when Im getting to the point. I dont have one. Also please send requests to get the last ten min of your life back to someone who can give it to you. The Lord. Thanks. 'Excuse me, do you know the Lord?' 'I do.' LOL, courtesy of America's top model-yet one more quality show.... Bye (really this time)
If I take 10 gulps of water, it is a third of my water bottle so therefore 10gulps = drinking 1 time, which means it takes 3 times or 30 gulps to finish 1 bottle. Which also mean that to get to my 100 oz, it takes 12times or 120 gulps to get 4 bottles, which is the goal. I do better with a schedule so here we go, If I drink 1 time every half hour it will only take 6 hours to get the water I want, therefore leaving the rest of the day to drink other liquid or get extra water. Here will be my schedule broken down into times per bottle.
10 1130 1 230
10:30 12 130 3
11 1230 2 330
So in theory, I will be done drinking water by 330. But taking into consideration if I do the gym during lunch I would take my 10gulps at 11, leave, and not have the 10gulps till noon, so now this pushes me to 4pm
Also take into consideration that I start the water consumption at 10 because of coffee drinking time. Now... a new thought has sprung into my head, I have been trying to do the gym in the morning, the few times this has happened I usually get a bottle done before or right after getting to work, but I will still be starting the regular consumption as stated above. I wonder how much water I can have before dying of water poisoning.....I'll need to google that.
Really?? Yes Im that awesome right now. Jealous??
Oh heavens....Im freezing right now, the fingers are having problems typing. Jeez... At least its just raining not snowing. Seriously people I got nothin to talk about!!! Thinking....Thinking.... Nope, nothin.
Oooh! I made sloppy jo's last night for dinner, (or sloppy hoe's if we're speaking Joe, which we normally are) can you say effing delish!! I also made oven fries, courteous of Rachael Ray (loves her) and how adorable am I? Strawberry shortcake, yep....turns out SOMEONE doesnt like strawberries, so Im sure I'll end up eating it all myself, good thing I got the big round loaf of angel food cake and not just the precious little cup angel food cakes, cause it was a better deal. Katie had some, I'll make her eat the rest with me it cant be that bad for you, hellllooooo its strawberries, and did you know that whipped topping only has 25 calories in it?? Yeah its true, I'll be eating a spoonful of just that when I get home.
Umm yeah, hi. The Hills started on Monday. Best. Show. Ever. Lauren has turned a new leaf and isnt going to let people walk all over her, or at least I gathered this being the fact she was a real big biatch about Heidi coming to her party that was on a boat so no one could leave!! HAHA. I heart this show. I believe its the last season and can I just say those writers are not letting us down!!! Drama, drama, drama. Yes, people I do think that its a tad scripted. But I do not care its good quality television. A tip of the hat to you, MTV, Bravo.
Alright people, well Im done talking about nothing, sorry to waste the last 10 min of your life as you wonder when Im getting to the point. I dont have one. Also please send requests to get the last ten min of your life back to someone who can give it to you. The Lord. Thanks. 'Excuse me, do you know the Lord?' 'I do.' LOL, courtesy of America's top model-yet one more quality show.... Bye (really this time)
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