Monday, July 20, 2009

I've moved!

Hey just lettin everyone know that changed my blog address. Come see me at


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Whad up??

Pretty much thats my gangsta talk. Im real professional at it bein Im half hispanic. I dont really have anything to talk about or 'post' about but Katie told me to update my blog so here I am. Bible, I dont even know why I have a blog. (ie. Bible for those of you who dont know is like honest, or like Im swearing on the bible so its the truth. I've decided to add that into my vocab courtesy of Kortney and Klohe Kardashinan, not spelled right) But really I dont. All of 3 maybe 4 people read this thing. Those being 1-Katie, 2-Katchie(who doesnt have a computer working right now, so she's not even reading it) 3-Christy and 4- possibly Jessica when she's bored and just got done checking her lame myspace. (ps. Jess... Myspace is so 2007, get over it. Heck at least change to Facebook for cryin out loud!! :) You know I love you madly)
So thats it.... All of possibly 4 people. I want a blog that millions of the people Im complaining about read. A blog that people sat down at there computer and think "oh heavens I havnt caught up with what is going on in the world of Celina today" and they have withdrawals. I also want a blog that all I have to do is post advertisement and it makes me enough money to survive without a real live job. Is that so much to ask? So I pretty much want to be dooce. Except I dont have the guts to blog about people I have to deal with on a day to day or family or friends if its bad. I dont have the stomach for it. Literally. I dont have the stomach for a lot of things. (ie..Cat vomit ( Wilfreds was warm) scooping poop,any gross smells, the smell of ripe bananas, the smell of baby vomit (I will hopefully get over that one day), Yogurt (even though I love it), bananas ( I have to eat them green), and confrontation. These are all things that makes me gaggy. I think I might change my blog address. Know why?? Cause my loggin was done when I still had my married last name(my email was still that name I wasnt), and heavens knows its not that anymore!! And I just dont like typing that in everytime I want to post for the 4 people that read this. So I might change it. Im still considering.

So Im at work right now, and Im pretty much (obviously) doing nothing. I'm a pretty good employee turns out... I actually am, and I dont have that much to do but its only like 2 in the afternoon so Im feeling a little guilty.

Mark is still in Italy. Know why? Oh right, cause its not like October yet. He has been gone, a little over a week now and you would think I was Henry and you took Peter the pig away from me. Im going a little nuts. Which I guess is a pretty good sign givin the fact that when I was married and he left for Iraq I was better than fine. I didnt miss him at all, My life was so much easier without him around. ( That sounds horrible, but really we didnt have the best relationship and I was a maid so not having to cook or clean up after him or fight really was better) Im also pretty independent and usually am just fine alone, and Im not like drowning in my sorrows or anything but I do miss him and wish he was here with me. I keep forgetting he's not here and think, 'Oh Im gonna call Mark' Ohhh yeah... So hopefully thats a good sign that all is well in that department.

So listen. Katie and I went to Rainbow Gardens the other day to see when they had the card readers and stuff there. Apparently they have a whole plethora of people there and each has like there own day and most of them are about 35 for half hour and 60 for an hour, which seems like kinda a lot but I really want to go! They have card readers, then they have someone thats a medium.I would want to go to her, to see if I have any spirit guides around me!! (listen I watch John Edwards, and Ghost Whisperer) I think that would be cool. I will not be going to SummerzStars for whatever it was cause I dont like her name. If your already claiming that you have some sort of connection with the other side, please dont have a ridiculous name to go along with it.Thanks. Anyway I guess I'll get some work done, and its a pretty long post about nothing, so sorry. Also, I know everyone that reads this also reads Christy's blog but if you havent in awhile go and look at pictures of Jack. BIBLE, cutest damn child in the entire world. And to think Vic didnt want children! They should sell there goods so others can have the cutest kids in all the world!! Do it. and sell me some.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

4th of July

So not much has been going on as of late. Turns out Im pretty boring. This last weekend was the 4th of July, and I had Friday off work also, which was very much needed. For about the 2 weeks leading up to this wonderful day off, I was pretty crabby. I had about enough of work, everything and everyone. I was pretty pleasant. So I did pretty much nothing on Friday which was nice, and Saturday morning Jessica, Katie and I went down to the gateway to do some shopping. Well at least Jessica did some shopping. I was under the impression that we were going for 2 specific things, Jessica had 20 bucks giftcard thing to Arden B and gifts for Katchie. It turned out to be alot more than that, which would not have been a big deal if I hadnt been a ragging bitch straight out of hell the last few weeks, and if Mark hadnt been leaving to Italy like 2 days later. Yes, Mark left me, more on that later. So after shopping and getting home, with it being the 4th and all, Mark and I were trying to figure out what in the heavens to do. I hate large crowds of people so firework displays are usually not on my to-do list. So we took Henry and Molly (the dogs) to the parkway, which was surprisingly empty and hung out. Henry had a blasty-blast swimming and fetching the ball in the water, Molly on the other hand is a demon dog and hates all things to do with water, other dogs, and children. So she was not happy. She hates Henry. And poor sweet 96lb Henry is terrified of this little dog. She got pissed when he got a little to close to her goods, (cant blame her, at least she's not hoochin it up) and continued to growl and bark at him the rest of the day. When we got to the field and we released them to be free (aka taking the leashes off) she (for no reason) went after Henry who dropped to the ground, squeezed his eyes shut, and braced for impact. Really it was like he was yelling "OHHHH NOOO!!!" Poor guy. Well she is really scared of him which is why she turns mean, she's a sweet thing if she's not scared of being eaten, and never actually got to him before she turned and ran the other way. Lets just say the rest of the weekend where ever Molly was, Henry steered clear. After a few hours in the sun we went back to the house and had ourselves a nice little BBQ, and watched some movies. Sunday we had dinner with his parents, and Tuesday I took him to the airport to go to Italy for 90 days. 3 months, he wont be back till like October. I have a tendency of making people leave for months on end when they are with me. So now, I'll be trying to work on my fitness, cause I havent for the last month because of the whole leg situation, but I ran 2.5 miles today on lunch and its feeling good. So there you go. Nothing to exciting ever happens in Celina's life. Henry is still a big huge lug who is the sweetest thing of all time, Lola is loving life now that I got her hair cut, and is acting like a bran new cat. Honest, she is happy and plays now. Weird. Wilfred is becoming more grumpy and ornery as the days go on, but still loves him mom, he vomited last night like he was in the exorcist. Sweet Katie had to clean it up for me cause I attempted and it was warm and I spent the next few minutes over the sink in the kitchen trying to not vom. Thanks again boo! So thats about it. No Mark for what is going to seems like forever, Im going to be super bored. And damn it I already miss him! STUPID MARK. I guess Im pretty fond of the guy. Dang it. Henry is going to have a cousin, and Im finally getting a nephew out of Jess, unfortuantly its only going to be in teacup poodle form. But he is going to be adorable, you would know this from Jess if she had a blog but she's lame and doesnt. Hey Jessica, work on that, K, thanks, bye. :)